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Weekly Word


"Social Distancing Doesn't Mean Social Disengagement" -Rev. Dr. Glenn B. Dames Jr.


Here's how its going down at the Temple this week virtually!


Sunday Virtual Service

We will not be meeting for in-person worship at our physical location for now.

However, we will be Meeting Virtually for Worship Sunday at 10am via

our Website and Facebook Live on our our Facebook Page!

Worship Never Stops!


Monday with Members

Take this time out to reach out and to check on other members of the church,

especially our seasoned saints. We are all family, we are all One! #ATeamStrong


Tuesday Night Teaching

Tuesdays join us at 7 pm for our Tuesday Night Bible Study,

via our Website and

Facebook Live on our our Facebook Page!

Remember We are in our series "I Am A Church Member"


Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday Don't forget to tune into our Prayer Line at 6:45 am

Call Line: 712-432-3900

Access Code: 488144#


Thankful Thursday

On this Day share with others why you are thankful.

Start by saying, Even in the midst of the

Coronavirus pandemic I am thankful that/for _____________ (Fill in the blank!)


Family Friday

The First institution that God established was the Family.

This is a great opportunity to spend time with family.

Stay home, cook your favorite meal, watch your favorite movie, etc.

Have Fun!


Selah Saturday

The season can be very stressful.

Strategically take time to Rest and to cater to any personal needs.

Be still and know that God is still God!


Rev. Dr. Glenn B. Dames Jr.  - Senior Pastor


If you need anything please don't hesitate to contact us!


10:00 am



7:00 pm

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